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Setting up Imgbot

setup, GitHub1 min read

setting up imgbot

Imgbot optimizes images in your GitHub repository for better performance.

Imgbot can be added to any GitHub repository and essentially compresses the images in that repository as needed to increase performance. Each image compression (or set of image compressions) is submitted as a pull request, so you still have control of how your files are altered. This is especially helpful in repositories running websites (like the repository for this blog!).

Installing Imgbot

To get set up Imgbot, go to the Imgbot page on the GitHub marketplace. From here, you can click Set up a plan.

Imgbot GitHub Marketplace

Select the "Open source" plan (assuming you'll be using it for an open source project). Next click Install it for free.

Imgbot GitHub Marketplace

On the next page, click Complete order and begin installation.

Imgbot Complete Order

Finally, decide which of your repositories you'd like to apply Imgbot to and then click Install.

Imgbot Install

On the next page, you'll authorize Imgbot to access your GitHub, and you're all done. Wait for Imgbot to send you a pull request to optimize your images.

Imgbot Done

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