Notes from Design Patterns Overview Pluralsight Course
— software development, coding, design patterns, pluralsight — 2 min read

I found Steve Smith's Design Patterns Overview course on Pluralsight very useful and informative.
I recently completed the Pluralsight course Design Patterns Overview by Steve Smith, which was very informative as a bird's eye view of design patterns as a general topic.
Why learn design patterns?
- So you don't reinvent the wheel
- They allow for increased clarity of communication
- They often lead to better software
- Advance your career
How to learn design patterns?
- be familiar with a wide array of patterns
- have a shallow understanding of several other patterns
- have a deep knowledge/mastery of several patterns
What makes up a design pattern?
- name/classification
- intent
- aka's
- motivation/problem to be solved
- applicability/context
- structure
- participants (classes, objects, etc.)
- collaboration between participants
- consequences/design tradeoffs
- implementation
- sample code
- known uses
- related patterns
Bolded points above indicate bare minimum required for broad knowledge of a particular pattern.
Design pattern structure
- Often described by a UML diagram
- boxes represent classes or interfaces
- lines represent some kind of relationship - inheritance, implementation, calls, etc.
When to apply design patterns?
- Practice with a coding exercise/kata, testing, repeat with variations
- Gilded rose kata good for practicing Proxy pattern, Rules Engine pattern, Builder pattern, Template Method pattern
- In real code, follow refactoring fundamentals, make sure you have test coverage, do your work in a separate branch, and verify consistent behavior after completing the refactoring. Be prepared to delete what you've got and start over if this pattern really doesn't fit with this code
A few good design patterns in C#
- Strategy
- Repository - data-access pattern; works well with Strategy and other patterns
- Adapter
- Factory
- Proxy and Decorator patterns
- closely related structurally but have different intents
- work well with other patterns
- Singleton
- Design patterns = general solutions to existing problems
- Avoid reinventing the wheel
- Higher-level communication with your team
- T-shaped knowledge of patterns
- Practice!
- Use refactoring to apply patterns
- Look for ways to combine patterns
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