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Notes from Creating N-Tier Applications in C#, Part 2 Pluralsight Course

software development, coding, pluralsight2 min read

ntier2 pluralsight

Steve Smith's Pluralsight course Creating N-Tier Applications in C#, Part 2 goes into more detail about N-Tier Applications.

I recently completed Creating N-Tier Applications in C#, Part 2 by Steve Smith.

Here are my notes from Creating N-Tier Applications in C#, Part 1.

Here are my notes from Part 2:


  • Unit tests in an n-tier application should generally only care about one of your tiers (which should be in its own project file); integration tests will likely care about several tiers, and possibly also have some external dependencies on databases, etc.
  • Mocks are a useful tool in unit tests, but should generally be used for tests of behavior, rather than tests of state
  • If you're working in a shared repository, you should run all tests before checking in (also, make sure you're using the latest version and make sure your code builds)


  • All objects in an application are constructed, then spend some time being active and perhaps are modified. Finally they are disposed of.
  • Objects should know nothing about if/how they are persisted (SRP!)
  • It's important that objects are consistent throughout the application
    • This is most applicable in scenarios where changes are made and then saved
  • "An interface should be designed to make the wrong things hard and the right things easy."
  • Object-Relational Mappers (ORMs) (e.g. Microsoft Entity Framework)
    • Code-First Entity Framework - create entities and tell Entity Framework to map them to the database
  • Consider The Repository Pattern and/or The Unit of Work Pattern

Core Logic Reuse

  • "Holy Grail of Software" = code reuse
    • software components should be like LEGOs
  • Dependency Inversion Principle -> depend on interfaces, not specific implementation
    • related to IOC containers, which are essentially "factories on steroids"
    • aids code reuse
  • DTO = Data Transfer Object - typically a class full of data, no behavior

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