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Code Complete Part 5 Notes

codeComplete, software development, coding, books24 min read

code complete part5

Code Complete by Steve McConnell is a well-written explanation of themes in software construction.

I'm working my way through the second edition of Code Complete by Steve McConnell. Here are my notes from Part 5: Code Improvements.

Part 5 includes chapters 20-26: The Software-Quality Landscape, Collaborative Construction, Developer Testing, Debugging, Refactoring, Code-Tuning Strategies, and Code-Tuning Techniques.

20. The Software-Quality Landscape

  • External quality characteristics of software (things users care about) - correctness, usability, efficiency, reliability, integrity, adaptability, accuracy, robustness
  • Internal quality characteristics of software (things programmers care about) - maintainability, flexibility, portability, reusability, readability, testability, understandability
  • How to improve software quality:
    • set explicit software quality objectives
    • the organization needs to explicitly make clear that quality assurance is a priority
    • have a testing strategy
    • follow software engineering guidelines
    • subject your code to informal technical reviews
    • subject your code to formal technical reviews
    • your code can be reviewed by external audits
  • Development with quality assurance activities -> better software
    • makes sense
  • Other things that can improve software quality in development:
    • change-control procedures
      • making changes to requirements, design, etc. can have big effects on code; handling them properly will result in higher-quality code
    • measurement of results allows you to evaluate your quality-assurance plan
    • prototyping often leads to better design and maintainability
  • When looking for defects, you have to use a combination of methods, as methods used individually do not find a sufficient percentage of errors
    • some errors are better-detected by humans, others are better-detected via computer-based testing
  • Detecting errors early leads to lower cost of fixing them
  • Counterintuitively perhaps, improving software quality tends to decrease development costs
  • Software quality assurance is all about shifting the focus from downstream debugging to upstream quality assurance

21. Collaborative Construction

  • Collaborative construction = pair programming + formal inspections + informal technical reviews + document reading + etc.
    • using these leads to higher-quality, lower-cost code
  • Informal reviews among coworkers encourages mentoring of less experienced developers by those more experienced
  • Collective ownership of code puts more eyes on each line of code, thus increasing software quality
  • Pair programming - one person types, the other watches for errors
    • support pair programming with coding standards
    • don't let pair programming turn into watching - the person without the keyboard should still be an active participant
    • don't force pair programming of the easy stuff
    • rotate pairs and work assignments regularly
    • pairs should match each other's pace - if one person goes too fast for the other, the benefits of pair programming are minimized
    • make sure both partners can see (and read from!) the monitor
    • don't force people who dislike one another to pair
    • avoid pairing newbies with one another
    • assign a team leader
  • Inspections are a kind of review with very high effectiveness of error-detection
    • Roles in inspections:
      • moderator - keeps the inspection moving, sets up meetings, distributes checklists, etc.
      • author - the person who wrote the design or code; has small role in inspection
      • reviewer - anyone with a direct interest in the design or code but who is not the author; they may be doing the downstream work that will follow from this design, or they may have done some of the upstream work
      • scribe - records errors that are detected and the assignments of action items; should not be moderator or author
      • management - should be informed of the results of an inspection, but shouldn't really be present at meetings or anything; code under inspection shouldn't be used to evaluate performance
    • Procedure for inspections:
      • planning
      • overview of the project; can be dangerous and should not be a substitute for code that speaks for itself
      • preparation - each reviewer independently reviews the code/design; can be made more effective if each reviewer is given a perspective (how would a customer feel about this code? What about a maintenance programmer? etc.)
      • inspection meeting - discuss code to review errors found; don't discuss solutions
      • inspection report - moderator sends out email, etc. listing each defect
      • rework - moderator assigns someone to repair the defects (usually the author)
      • follow-up - moderator ensures that rework is properly completed
      • third-hour meeting - informal meeting to allow participants to discuss solutions to defects if needed
    • Inspections should be a positive experience for all involved and are not intended for criticizing the author
  • Walk-through - a loosely defined review in which several programmers get together to review the code technically
    • very flexible
    • less effective than formal inspections, but more flexible and informal
  • Code reading - exactly what it sounds like; you read through source code looking for errors, then meet with the author to review them
  • Dog-and-pony shows - reviews in which a software product is demonstrated to a customer
    • management review rather than a technical review; common on government work, etc.

22. Developer Testing

  • Unit testing - testing a complete class, routine, or small program developed by a single programmer or team of programmers in isolation from the more complete system
  • Component testing - unit testing except for code written by multiple programmers or teams
  • Integration testing - testing two or more classes, packages, components, or subsystems created by multiple programmers or programming teams
  • Regression testing - testing a test case previously executed to ensure the software still passes the test case
  • System testing - testing the software in its final form
  • Two broad types of testing:
    • Black-box testing - the tester does not know the internal workings of the code being tested
    • White-box testing - the tester does know the internal workings of the code being tested (e.g. if the tester is the one who wrote the code)
  • Testing != debugging
  • Developers need to assume they'll find errors in their code - better to find your own errors than for someone else to find them! So aim to find as many errors as possible.
  • Developer testing should take roughly between 8% and 25% of a project's total time, depending on its size (larger program = less developer testing)
  • Important things to test as a developer:
    • Ensure that all relevant requirements have been implemented
    • Ensure that the design has been properly implemented - plan these test cases in the design phase, before actually writing the code
    • In addition, be sure that every line of code is tested, at minimum
    • Have a list of common errors you've made on this or previous projects and test for similar errors
  • Writing test cases before writing code is a good idea; it takes no extra effort, often results in better code, and decreases the amount of time that defects remain in the code
  • Limitations of developer testing:
    • developer tests tend to test for when code works, rather than for all the cases in which the code may not work
    • developers tend to feel they're covering a large percentage of their code with their test cases when they actually may not be
    • developer testing often skips more sophisticated kinds of test coverage
    • therefore, developer testing is very good and important, but not in isolation
  • You can't possibly test your program for every possible input; you need a way to select which cases to test
    • incomplete testing - pick test cases most likely to find errors; don't just test similar data over and over
    • structured basis testing - you need to test each statement at least once, and that means you need to test every path through the program; ensures that every statement will be executed, but doesn't account for different data's effect on certain statements
    • data-flow testing - based on idea that data usage is at least as error-prone as control flow
      • States of data:
        • Defined - initialized but not used
        • Used - used in computation, as argument in routine, etc.
        • Killed - it was once defined but has now been undefined
        • Entered - control flow enters routine immediately before variable is acted upon
        • Exited - control flow leaves routine immediately after variable is acted upon
        • Defined-Defined - bad. wasteful and error-prone
        • Defined-Exited - doesn't make sense for a local variable, but may be ok for routine parameter or global variable
        • Defined-Killed - either the variable is unnecessary or the code doesn't properly use the variable
        • Entered-Killed - bad for local variable, might be ok for global variable
        • Entered-Used - bad for local variable, might be ok for global variable
        • Killed-Killed - bad. Very bad for pointers.
        • Killed-Used - also bad
        • Used-Defined - might be an issue - do some more investigation
      • in data-flow testing, test all possible defined-used paths by testing either all definitions or all defined-used combinations (the latter is better)
    • Equivalence partitioning - the idea that multiple test cases shouldn't find the same error(s); if they do, you can afford to get rid of one of them
      • not too helpful when already working with basis or data-flow testing, but good when looking at a program from the point of view of specifications
    • Error guessing - most effective when these guesses are based on documentation of past errors or common errors like:
      • Boundary analysis - off-by-one errors, as well as uncommonly large or small cases
      • Classes of bad data - too little or no data, too much data, invalid data, wrong size of data, uninitialized data
      • Classes of good data - nominal cases, minimum normal configuration, maximum normal configuration, compatibility with old data (if the program is meant to replace an older program)
  • When testing, use test cases you can easily calculate the expected results of by hand - you don't want to make an error in your hand calculations and think it's your code that's the problem!
  • Errors in programs tend to be concentrated in a few routines or classes
  • Error facts that can be inferred from studies:
    • most errors are fairly limited in scope
    • many errors are outside the domain of construction
    • the vast majority of errors are the programmers' fault
    • typos are a common source of issues
    • many programmer errors enter code as a result of not fully understanding the code's design
    • most errors are pretty easy to fix
    • it's a good idea to measure your own organization's experiences with errors
  • Construction errors account for at least 35% of errors in a project, and even more on smaller projects
  • Errors in test cases are frustrating and embarassing. How to avoid them:
    • Check your work
    • Plan test cases as you develop your software
    • Keep your test cases
    • Plug unit tests into a test framework
  • Testing tools:
    • Scaffolding helps with the testing of individual classes; you can build a mock object to be used by the class being tested, build a fake routine to be called by the routine being tested, or build a dummy file to be manipulated by the routine being tested
    • Diff tools are useful for regression testing
    • Test-data generators are very useful when used correctly, as they may generate combinations of data you never would have expected to cause an error
    • Coverage monitors - keeps track of which code is exercised in testing and which is not
    • Data recorder/logging - a tool to record a program's state at the time of failure, like a black box on an airplane
    • Symbolic debuggers - a tool that steps through code line-by-line to detect errors
    • System perturbers - tools that:
      • fill up memory to detect variable initialization errors
      • rearrange memory to detect errors when code depends on data being in an absolute location
      • selectively cause memory to fail to test complex programs working with dynamically allocated memory
      • check memory access (bounds checking) to ensure pointers are behaving as they should
    • Error databases
  • Improving your testing:
    • plan to test
    • retest (regression testing) - keep all a program's old tests
    • use automated testing
  • To evaluate the quality of the project over time, you should keep clear records of defects located, including information like:
    • date and description of defect
    • description of problem
    • how to repeat problem
    • workaround for problem
    • related defects
    • severity of problem
    • origin of defect
    • subclassification of coding defect
    • classes/routines changed when defect is fixed
    • # lines of code impacted by defect
    • hours to find defect
    • hours to fix defect

23. Debugging

  • Debugging = finding root cause of error and correcting it
  • A defect in your code means that you do not fully understand what your code does
  • You can learn from defects! And apply what you learn in the future!
    • learn about the program you're working on
    • learn about the kinds of mistakes you make
    • learn about your code's readability
    • learn how you solve problems (and whether there might be a better way)
    • learn how you fix defets
    • Find the defect by guessing and using print statements all over the program
    • Don't waste time trying to understand the problem - just find it and fix it and everything will be fine!
    • Fix the error with the most obvious fix, like a special case!
    • Program by superstition - just assume all errors are the fault of the compiler or the language or the data. Because no problem is ever the programmer's fault!
  • Assume errors are your fault
  • Scientific method:
    • Gather data through repeatable experiments
    • Form a hypothesis accounting for relevant data
    • Design an experiment to test hypothesis
    • Prove or disprove hypothesis
    • Repeat
  • Scientific method of debugging:
    • Stabilize error
    • Locate source of error
      • Gather the data that produces the defect
      • Analyze data, form hypothesis
      • Test program or examine code to test hypothesis
      • Prove or disprove hypothesis
    • Fix defect
    • Test the fix
    • Look for similar errors
  • Tips for finding defects:
    • Use all the data available to make your hypothesis
    • Refine the test cases producing the error
    • Exercise your code with unit tests
    • Use available tools
    • Reproduce the error several different ways to triangulate the cause of the defect
    • Generate more data to generate more hypotheses
    • Don't ignore the results of negative tests - these give important information too!
    • Brainstorm for possible hypotheses you may be overlooking
    • Keep a notepad by your desk to list things to try
    • Narrow down where in the code your error could be coming from via removing sections, etc.
    • Be suspicious of classes/routines that have had defects before
    • Check code that's changed recently
    • Expand your suspicious region of code
    • Integrate incrementally
    • Check for common defects
    • Talk to someone else about the problem
    • Take a break from the problem
    • Brute-force debugging:
      • perform a full design and/or code review on broken code
      • throw away the broken section and recode it from scratch
      • throw away the whole program and recreate it from scratch
      • compile code with full debugging information
      • compile code at pickiest warning level adn fix all picky compiler warnings
      • test new code in isolation with unit tests
      • create automated test suite and just let it run
      • step through big loop in debugger manually until you hit the error condition
      • use print, display, or other logging statements in code
      • compile code in different compiler
      • use special libraries or environments
      • replicate end-user's machine configuration
      • set maximum time for quick-and-dirty debugging
        • before engaging in quick-and-dirty debugging, find a brute-force method that is guaranteed to work, and use it if you go beyond your time limit
    • Syntax errors:
      • don't trust line numbers in compiler messages
      • don't trust compiler messages
      • don't trust the compiler's second message
      • divide and conquer
      • find misplaced comments and quotation marks
        • use /*"/**/ to terminate a comment or string to narrow down where your unterminated comment or string is located
  • Tips for fixing defects:
    • Understand the problem before you fix it
    • Understand the program/context of problem before you fix it
    • Confirm defect diagnosis
    • Relax long enough to be sure your solution is right
    • Save the original source code
    • Fix the problem, not the symptom
    • Change the code only for very good reason
    • Make one change at a time
    • Check your fix by walking through it with someone and using regression testing
    • Add a unit test to expose the defect, should it reappear
    • Look for similar defects
  • Guard against seeing what you expect to see
  • Good programming practices with regard to formatting, conventions, etc. should make errors blindingly obvious
    • put "psychological distance" between variable names - make names as different as cat and bunnyRabbit rather than the difference between stoppt and stcppt
  • Debugging tools:
    • Source-code comparators like Diff are useful when you're modifying a program in response to errors
    • Take advantage of compiler warning messages
      • set your compiler's warning level to the highest possible level of pickiness
      • treat warnings as errors
      • initiate projectwide standards for compile-time settings
    • Extended syntax and logic checking
    • Execution profilers
    • Test frameworks/scaffolding
    • Debuggers
      • but don't use them as a crutch or as a substitute for your own thinking and understanding of a program

Another resource on finding/fixing defects

24. Refactoring

  • Code evolves substantially over its lifetime - make sure your code is increasing in quality with each change, rather than devolving due to compounded side effects of quick fixes
  • As you write your code to start out with, make later changes as easy as possible
  • Evolution should improve the internal quality of the program
  • Refactoring = "a change made to the internal structure of the software to make it easier to understand and cheaper to modify without changing its behavior"
  • Reasons for refactoring:
    • duplicate code - "copy and paste is a design error"
    • a routine is too long - increased modularity tends to improve a system
    • a loop is too long or too deeply nested
    • a class has poor cohesion
    • a class interface without a consistent level of abstraction
    • a parameter list with too many parameters
    • a class seems to function as two (or more) separate classes
    • changes require you to modify multiple classes in parallel
    • inheritance hierarchies have to be modified in parallel
    • case statements have to be modified in parallel
    • related data items are not organized into classes
    • a routine uses more features of another class than of its own class
    • a primitive data type is overloaded
    • a class doesn't do much
    • a chain of routines passing tramp data
    • a middleman object doesn't actually do anything
    • one class is overly intimate with another
    • a routine has a poor name
    • data members are public - USE ACCESS ROUTINES!
    • a subclass uses only a small percentage of its parents' routines
    • comments are used to explain difficult/bad code
    • global variables are used
    • a routine uses setup code before a routine call or takedown code after a routine call
    • a program contains "design ahead" code
  • Specific refactorings
    • Data-level refactorings:
      • replace a magic number with a named constant
      • rename a variable with a clearer/more informative name
      • move an expression inline (rather than using an intermediate variable assigned the value of the expression)
      • replace an expression with a routine
      • introduce an intermediate variable
      • convert a multiuse variable to several single-use variables
      • use a local variable for local purposes, rather than a parameter
      • convert a data primitive to a class
      • convert a set of type codes to a class or an enumeration
      • convert a set of type codes to a class with subclasses
      • change an array to an object
      • encapsulate a collection
      • replace a traditional record with a data class
    • Statement-level refactorings
      • decompose a boolean expression
      • move a complex boolean expression into a well-named boolean function
      • consolidate statements duplicated within different parts of a conditional
      • use break or return instead of messing with a loop control variable
      • return as soon as you know the solution
      • replace conditionals (esp repeated case statements) with polymorphism
      • create and use null objects instead of testing for null values
    • Routine-level refactorings
      • remove inline code from one routine and turn it into its own routine
      • move a routine's code inline
      • convert a long routine to a class
      • substitute a simple algorithm for a complex algorithm
      • add a parameter
      • remove a parameter
      • separate query operations from modification operations
      • combine similar routines by parameterizing them
      • separate routines whose behavior depends on parameters passed in
      • pass a whole object rather than specific fields
      • pass specific fields rather than a whole object
      • encapsulate downcasting
    • Class implementation refactorings
      • change value objects to reference objects
      • change reference objects to value objects
      • replace virtual routines with data initialization
      • change member routine or data placement
      • extract specialized code into a subclass
      • combine similar code into a superclass
    • Class interface refactorings
      • move a routine to another class
      • convert one class to two
      • eliminate a class
      • hide a delegate (if A is supposed to call B, which is supposed to call C, A should not be responsible for calling C)
      • remove a middleman
      • replace inheritance with delegation
      • replace delegation with inheritance
      • introduce a foreign routine
      • introduce an extension class
      • encapsulate an exposed member variable
      • remove Set() routines for fields that cannot be changed
      • hide routines that are not intended to be used outside the class
      • encapsulate unused routines
      • collapse a superclass and subclass if their implementations are very similar
    • System-level refactorings
      • create a definitive reference source for data you can't control
      • change unidirectional class association to bidirectional class association or vice versa
      • provide a factory method rather than a simple constructor
      • replace error codes with exceptions or vice versa
  • Be careful with refactoring!
    • Save the code you start with
    • Keep refactorings small
    • Do refactorings one at a time
    • Make a list of steps you intend to take
    • Make a list of changes you want to make but don't need to make immediately - a "parking lot"
    • Make frequent checkpoints
    • Use your compiler warnings
    • Retest
    • Add test cases
    • Review the changes
    • Adjust your approach depending on the risk level of the refactoring
    • Don't use refactoring as a cover for code and fix - refactoring should not change behavior, it should just improve readability, etc.
    • Don't refactor if what you really need is to rewrite your code
  • Refactoring strategies:
    • Refactor when you add a routine or class
    • Refactor when you fix a defect
    • Target error-prone or high-complexity modules
    • In a maintenance environment, improve the parts you touch
    • Define an interface between clean code and ugly code and move code across the interface

25. Code-Tuning Strategies

  • The importance of code's efficiency has oscillated over the course of several decades
  • Performance is not just about code speed
  • When looking at code tuning, check that you can't fix your performance problems by changing:
    • Program requirements
    • Program design
    • Class/routine design
    • Operating system interactions
    • Code compilation
    • Hardware
    • Code tuning
  • Code tuning = modifying correct code to make it run more efficiently
  • Programmers love to make their code as efficient as possible, but efficient code isn't necessarily "better"
    • Pareto principle - you can get 80% of the result with 20% of the effort
      • i.e. you can usually get major performance improvements by tweaking a few hot spots in your code
      • don't keep doing this until your code is perfect. the perfect will become the enemy of the good and you'll never finish your project
  • Old wives' tales about code tuning:
    • Reducing lines of code in a high-level language improves the speed or size of the resulting machine code
    • Certain operations are probably faster or smaller than others
      • there's no probably; changes you make should have testable, verifiable results
      • plus, this depends on your hardware/environment, and code-tuning can make it really hard to switch environments
    • You should optimize as you go
    • A fast program is just as important as a correct one
  • Before you code tune: make your program works correctly. Give it a good design, modularization, etc. Save the functional version of your code! Then tune if you know that's something you need to do
  • Compiler optimizations can also really help your performance
  • Commmon sources of inefficiency:
    • Input/output operations - using an in-memory data structure rather than accessing an external file can be 100 to 1000 times faster!
    • Paging (i.e. switching memory pages)
    • System calls
    • Interpreted languages (PHP, Python, etc.)
    • Errors
  • Once you do some code-tuning, perform some measurements to see how effective your improvements were
    • Sometimes a change you thought would increase performance actually doubles run time, so measure everything

26. Code-Tuning Techniques

  • Code tuning = anti-refactoring because it sacrifices code quality for performance gains
  • Techniques presented here are "things to try;" there's never any certainty which will work in a particular environment, project, etc.
  • Stop testing when you know the answer in logic expressions - "short-circuit evaluation"
    • standard in Java, C++, but you can simulate it in other languages
  • Order tests (case and if-then-else statements, etc.) by frequency and/or speed of each test
  • Replace case statements for if-then-elses or vice versa, depending on your environment
  • Substitute table lookups for complicated expressions
  • Lazy evaluation - the program avoids doing any work until the work is actually required
  • A program tends to spend a long time in loops, so optimization there tends to have amplified effects
    • Unswitching - instead of making a decision inside a loop, you can make it outside the loop by turning the loop inside-out. It's bad for readability but can improve performance
      • e.g. if you have a for loop with an if and else inside, you can replace that with an if and else, each with a for inside. These two loops must now be maintained in parallel
    • Jamming - combining two loops that operate on the same set of elements
    • Unrolling - you have a while loop with an incrementation variable that you increment by 2's, 3's, etc. Put if statements below to catch missed cases
    • Minimize the work inside loops with pointers, etc.
    • Sentinal values
    • With nested loops, put the busiest loop on the inside
    • Strength reduction - replace multiplication with addition, for example
  • Data transformations
    • Replace floating-point numbers with integers
    • Use as few array dimensions as possible
    • Minimize array references
    • Use supplementary indexes - add related data that makes accessing a data type more efficient
      • e.g. string-length index or another independent, parallel index structure
    • Use caching to store commonly- or recently-used values
  • Expressions
    • Exploit algebraic identities - i.e. to determine if sqrt x < sqrt y, you only need to test x < y since if x < y, sqrt x < sqrt y
    • Strength reduction effective at tuning expressions
    • Initialize at compile time - i.e. precompute a commonly used log(2), etc. and set a constant for it at compile time
    • Be wary of system routines, as these are designed to be super accurate and can impact performance if you don't need such a high degree of accuracy
    • Named constants and literals should be the same type as the variables they're assigned to
    • Precompute results that are used many times
    • Eliminate common subexpressions (by assigning them to variables)
  • Routines
    • Make sure you have small, well-defined routines - good routine decomposition
    • Sometimes you can improve performance by writing routines inline instead, though this isn't always effective
  • You can often get pretty substantial performance gains by recoding hot spots in a low-level language

Thanks for reading! I hope you find this and other articles here at ilyanaDev helpful! Be sure to follow me on Twitter @ilyanaDev.