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Code Complete Part 4 Notes

codeComplete, software development, coding, books13 min read

code complete part4

Code Complete by Steve McConnell is a well-written explanation of themes in software construction.

I'm working my way through the second edition of Code Complete by Steve McConnell. Here are my notes from Part 4: Statements.

Part 4 includes chapters 14-19: Organizing Straight-Line Code, Using Conditionals, Controlling Loops, Unusual Control Structures, Table-Driven Methods, and General Control Issues.

14. Organizing Straight-Line Code

  • Dependencies mean that one line of code depends on another having already been executed. Therefore, dependencies lead to sequences being executed in a set order. When building code with dependencies, make them very clear.
    • Organize code so that dependencies are obvious
    • Name routines so that dependencies are obvious
    • Use routine parameters to make dependencies obvious
    • Document unclear dependencies with comments
    • Check for dependencies with assertions or error-handling code
  • When working with statements whose order doesn't matter:
    • Keep related actions together
    • For readability, make code read and flow from top to bottom

15. Using Conditionals

  • if statements
    • Guidelines for working with simple if-then statements:
      • Write the nominal path through the code first, then write the unusual cases
      • Make sure that you branch correctly on equality: < vs. <=
      • Put the normal case after the if rather than after the else
      • Follow the if clause with a meaningful statement
      • Consider the else clause
      • Test the else clause for correctness
      • Check for reversal of the if and else clauses
    • Guidelines for working with chains of if-then-else statements:
      • Simplify complicated tests with boolean function calls
      • Put the most common cases first
      • Make sure that all cases are covered
      • Replace if-then-else chains with other constructs if your language supports them - case statements, for example
  • case or switch statements
    • vary quite a bit between languages
    • ways to order case statements:
      • numerically
      • alphabetically
      • put the normal case first
      • by frequency
    • how to use case statements:
      • keep the actions of each case simple - write a separate routine if needed
      • don't make up phony variables to be able to use the case statement
        • in other words, just map the data onto the case statement or use if-then-else chains if data is too complicated for that
      • use the default clause only to detect legitimate defaults
      • use the default clause to detect errors
      • in C++ and Java be sure to use break to avoid dropping through the end of a case statement
      • in C++, clearly identify flow-throughs at the end of each case

16. Controlling Loops

  • while, do-while, etc.
    • use when you don't know exactly how many times you'll want the loop to iterate
    • while tests condition at beginning, do-while tests condition at end
  • Loop-with-exit loop
    • when you test a condition in the middle of the loop with a break, goto, or other statement
    • use when you'd need to code a loop-and-a-half to achieve the desired result
    • put all the exit conditions in one place (put this kind of loop in while(true), for example)
    • use comments for clarification
  • for loops
    • use for loops that should be executed a certain, known number of times
    • use it for simpler uses; while loops should be used in more complex applications
  • foreach loops
    • when an operation must be performed on each member of an array or other container
  • Entering loops
    • enter the loop from one location only
    • put initialization code directly before the loop
    • use while(true) for infinite loops
    • prefer for loops when appropriate
    • conversely, don't use a for loop if a while loop is more appropriate
  • Processing the middle of a loop
    • use curly braces to enclose the statements in a loop
    • avoid empty loops
    • keep loop-housekeeping chores either at the beginning or at the end of the loop
    • make each loop perform only one function
  • Exiting a loop
    • assure yourself that the loop ends
    • make loop-termination conditions obvious
    • don't monkey with the loop index of a for loop to make the loop terminate
      • use a while loop instead if the above seems necessary
    • avoid code that depends on the loop index's final value
    • consider using safety counters - variables incremented each pass through the loop to determine if the loop has been executed too many times
    • exiting loops early:
      • use break to exit the loop and resume program at first line following the loop
      • use continue to skip to the next iteration of a loop
      • consider using break statements instead of boolean flags in a while loop
      • be wary of a loop with a lot of break statements strewn through it
      • use continue for tests at the top of a loop
        • instead of using continue towards the middle or end of a loop, use an if statement
      • use the labeled break structure if your language supports it
      • use break and continue only with caution
  • Checking endpoints
    • mentally run through the whole loop to check for off-by-one errors
    • use a calculator to double-check any complex calculations
  • Using loop variables
    • use ordinal or enumerated types for limits on both arrays and loops - loop counters should be integers
    • use meaningful variable names to make nested loops more readable
    • use meaningful variable names to avoid loop-index cross-talk
    • limit the scope of loop-index variables to the loop itself
      • how this works can vary between languages and between compilers
  • How long should a loop be?
    • short enough to view all at once
    • limit nesting to three levels
    • move loop innards of long loops into routines
    • make long loops especially clear
  • To create a complex loop, it's sometimes best to work from the inside-out:
    • first, code one case with literals
    • second, put that case inside a loop and replace the literals with loop indexes or computed expressions
    • put another loop around that and repeat as necessary
    • add all necessary initializations

17. Unusual Control Structures

  • Multiple returns from a routine
    • the return statement in C++ or Java allows a routine to terminate partway through
    • use a return to enhance readability
    • use guard clauses (early returns or exits) to simplify complex error processing
    • minimize the number of returns in each routine
  • Recursion
    • when a routine calls itself
    • used when a small part of a problem is easy to solve, and the larger problem is easy to decompose into these smaller pieces
    • very elegant when used properly
      • good for sorting, for example
    • very complicated when used inappropriately
    • make sure the recursion stops
    • use safety counters to prevent infinite recursion
    • limit recursion to one routine
    • keep an eye on the stack
    • don't use recursion for factorials or Fibonacci numbers
      • these are often used for explaining recursion in textbooks but not very efficient in real life
  • goto
    • Argument against gotos:
      • they're confusing and mess with the logical structure of your code
      • they mess up compiler optimizations
      • they often lead to slower, larger code
      • McConnell concludes that there is really no reason to use them, and you should just leave them out of your code
    • Argument for gotos:
      • when used very, very carefully, they might be ok
      • they can eliminate the need for duplicate code
      • useful for when you want to allocate resources, perform operations on them, and then deallocate them
      • they can sometimes make code faster and smaller
      • "the most carefully engineered programming language in history," Ada, chose to include gotos
    • gotos should be used only when other options have been carefully considered
    • Error processing
      • error processing involves testing for errors every step of the way and then deallocating resources at the end. gotos can clean this up nicely, but alternatives include:
        • nested if statements
        • status variables
        • try-finally
      • whichever alternative you pick, be consistent throughout the project
    • Sharing code in an else clause
      • some programmers use a goto when they have two conditional tests and an else clause and they want to execute code in one condition and the else clause
      • the alternative is to write a routine for the code the goto would have pointed to
    • you can almost always eliminate the goto with a simple, more readable solution
      • when you legitimately cannot, make sure your goto is well-documented

18. Table-Driven Methods

  • Table-driven method = scheme that allows you to look up information in a table, rather than using logic statements
  • Table-driven code (when used correctly) has several advantages to logic statements: it's simpler, easier to modify, and more efficient
  • Table-driven code is about putting your program's knowledge into its data (an array, for example) rather than its logic
  • Issues that need addressed when using table-driven methods:
    • how to look up entries in the table? Direct access? Indexed access? Stair-step access?
    • what to store in the table? Data? Reference to an action? Code describing an action?
  • With direct access you can pick out the entry you need directly
  • data is generally more flexible than logic
  • Fudging table-lookup keys - for when data isn't well-behaved
    • duplicate information to make the key work directly
    • transform the key to make it work directly
    • isolate the key transformation in its own routine
      • use ready-made key transformation if your environment provides them
  • Indexes use primary data to look up a key in an index table, then use that value to look up the data you're interested in
    • if each entry in the main lookup table is large, there is less wasted space in creating an index array with empty entries than a main table with empty entries
    • it's sometimes easier to manipulate entries in an index rather than entries in a main table
    • data encoded in tables is easier to maintain than data encoded in code
  • Stair-step access tables are less direct than indexes, but they waste less space
    • essentially, entries in a tale are valid for ranges of data, rather than distinct datapoints
    • works well with irregular data
    • flexible and modifiable, like other table-driven approaches
    • guidelines for working with stair-step:
      • watch the endpoints
      • consider using a binary search rather than a sequential search
      • consider using indexed access instead of the stair-step technique
      • put the stair-step table lookup into its own routine

19. General Control Issues

  • Boolean expressions
    • compare boolean values to true and false implicitly - while(a>b) rather than while( (a>b) ) = true)
    • break complicated tests into partial tests with new boolean variables
    • move complicated expressions into boolean functions for readability and abstraction
    • use decision tables instead of complicated conditions
    • avoid using lots of negatives
      • in if statements, be sure that there is a positive condition for the if clause
      • apply DeMorgan's Theorems to simplify boolean tests with negatives:
        • not A and not B = not (A or B)
        • not A and B = not (A or not B)
        • A and not B = not (not A or B)
        • A and B = not (not A or not B)
        • not A or not B = not (A and B)
        • not A or B = not (A and not B)
        • A or not B = not(not A and B)
        • A or B = not(not A and not B)
    • use parentheses for clarity
      • balance parentheses by counting up for "(" and down for ")"
    • understand how boolean expressions are evaluated in your language
    • when comparing numbers, arrange them left to right as you'd expect to see them on a number line
    • when comparing to zero:
      • compare logical variables implicitly
      • compare numbers explicitly to 0
      • in C, compare characters to the null terminator explicitly
      • compare pointers to NULL
    • in C-derived languages, put constants on the left side of expressions
    • in C++, consider preprocessor substitutions for && || etc.
    • in Java, understand the difference between a==b and a.equals(b)
  • Compound statements (aka Blocks)
    • block = collection of statements treated as a single statement for purposes of controlling a program's flow
    • compound statements have curly braces around them
    • when working with compound statements:
      • write pairs of braces together in order ot ensure your pairs of braces are always correctly matched
      • use braces to clarify conditionals (if, while, etc.)
        • don't just write your single statement on one line with no braces; this is an error-prone approach and a big hurdle to readability
  • Null statements
    • just a semicolon in C++
    • avoid these as much as possible, and make them super obvious when you can't avoid them
    • you can also create a preprocessor DoNothing() to make it super clear nothing is supposed to be done
      • like "This page intentionally left blank"
    • can you write the code in a different way that is more clear and does not require a null statement?
  • Deep nesting
    • research suggests people find it very difficult to understand more than three levels of nested if statements
    • how to reduce nesting depth:
      • retest part of the condition in a new statement rather than continuing to nest
      • use a break block to simplify - only use if your whole team is familiar with this approach, as it's fairly rare
      • sometimes you can replace nested if statements with if-then-else statements, which greatly increases readability
      • convert a nested if to a case statement
      • factor deeply nested code into its own routine.
      • use an object-oriented approach
      • redesign your deeply nested code
  • Structured programming
    • introduced in 1969; many of its concepts are still useful today
    • the idea is that a program should use only one-in, one-out control constructs; it cannot jump around, but can be read top-to-bottom and is executed top-to-bottom too
    • 3 Components:
      • Sequence - a set of statements executed in order
      • Selection - statements are executed selectively via if-then-else or case statements
      • Iteration - a group of statements are executed multiple times; a "loop"
    • the idea is that you can create any control flow whatsoever from these three components
  • How control structures are used has important correlation to complexity of a program
  • To measure complexity, you can count the number of decision points in your routine - 1 for the direct path, then another decision point for each of the following: if, while, repeat, for, and, or
    • with more than 6, you should simplify
    • with more than 10, you should split up the routine into multiple routines
    • McCabe's complexity metric is the most commonly used and discussed

Thanks for reading! I hope you find this and other articles here at ilyanaDev helpful! Be sure to follow me on Twitter @ilyanaDev.